Among all of the responsibilities that come with boat ownership, washing a boat is one of the most important (and easiest!). Washing your boat is critical to keeping it in optimal operating condition, and routinely cleaning the exterior of your boat can go a long way in extending its total life span and retail value. 

For both fresh and saltwater boats, the proper washing technique using the right materials is key. In this post, the boating professionals at Fort Myers Marine are here to help with some basic tips that will make washing your boat a breeze!

Whether you’re cleaning a yacht, powerboat, center console cruiser, or pontoon, rely on these tips to keep your boat in tip-top shape. 

Supplies You Will Need

Step one in preparing to wash your boat is acquiring the materials you will need to get the job done right. You will also need access to a water source. 

Depending on how thorough of a cleaning job you intend on doing, you may need more or less than what’s listed here. 

Some of the basics include: 

  • A 5-gallon bucket. For extra credit, get two. The second one can be used for rinsing. 
  • A washing mitt. Most general purpose washing mitts are less abrasive than a washcloth, which is important in preserving the gel coat of your boat. 
  • Bristle brushes. Ideally, it’s best to have both soft- and hard-bristled brushes with long handles. 
  • A chamois. If you don’t have a chamois, just use a soft, microfiber towel. This is important for keeping ‘water spots’ from forming as your boat dries after washing. 
  • Boat-specific soap, wax, sealant, or polish. For the bare minimum, just get the soap. For a full detail, use wax, sealant, and polish for that professional look. 
  • Buffing Balls and power drill. This will be useful for easier buffing and polishing chrome and painted surfaces.
  • A microfiber cloth. This makes cleaning the dash much faster and easier. 

After you’ve gathered everything together, it’s time to let the suds begin! 

Boat Washing, Step-by-Step

To give your prized marine machine an effective boat bath, follow these simple steps: 

  1. Rinse it thoroughly to remove any loose dirt. Use a medium-pressure nozzle affixed to a water source. Do not ever use a pressure washer to wash your boat! Too much water pressure can damage trim and some surfaces. 
  2. Fill one of your 5-gallon buckets with water and boat soap. Avoid using household cleansers as the abrasive ingredients in them can compromise your boat’s protective coating. There are many great cleaners, but our favorite is Un-Duz-It.
  3. Fill the other 5-gallon bucket with water only. This will be used for rinsing your washing mitt. 
  4. Working in small areas, start with your bristle brushes and remove visible dirt, salt residue, algae, and other debris. Rinse each area as soon as you’re done. 
  5. Follow up by lightly scrubbing with your washing mitt. 
  6. Perform a final rinse. 
  7. Using your chamois or absorbent towel, dry your boat. 
  8. Buff, wax, polish, and seal according to your preferences and product recommendations. 

Ideally, you should wash your boat after each outing, and wax it at least once a season. 

Enjoy washing your boat; it’s a satisfying experience watching your boat gleam in the sun!